Many Thanks!

Thanks to all who contributed to Motoscribendi!
The final count was $6,579 and this will allow me to print and make all the Perks (they will begin going out next week) and then allow me at least 45 days on the road. While 45 days isn't a long time to travel 12,000 miles and visit almost 20 libraries (yes, the number has increased since I started this!) I will still spend a few days at each institution and gather information, look at the books and work with librarians to develop the Census.
Below are some shots Jennie Hinchcliff took at a presentation I made at the Letterform Archive.

I owe a ton of thanks to a number of people who encouraged me as well as helped organize the project. Next week I'll get things organized enough to do a proper thank you as I have been scrambling to get all the artwork completed, sent to printers: T-shirt, sticker and offset printers.
I will be on the road by Wednesday night, August 5th. And I'll probably leave at 8:00 pm and make all of 100 miles before I stop! I'll continue the blog from the road.